How Do I See My Google Reviews

August 18, 2021

Before heading out to a new restaurant, hiring a contractor, or buying a new product, what are consumers doing first? They’re checking Google reviews. Research conducted by the customer service startup Dixa in 2022 shows that a whopping 93% of customers read online reviews before making a purchase. This makes Google reviews a game changer for lead generation.

At this point, you may be asking yourself "How do I see my Google reviews?" Fortunately, Google makes that process very straightforward whether you’re on a desktop or your phone. With help from TrueReview, learn why and how managing those reviews matter.

How Do I See My Google Reviews on Desktop?

  1. Enter into your browser's address bar.
  2. In the upper left corner to the left of the magnifying glass, type in your business's name.
  3. Hit enter or click the magnifying glass.
  4. Select your business.
  5. Click on the blue review link next to the star count. This might say "5 reviews" or however many reviews your business has.

From here, you'll see your business reviews. If you're signed in as your business, you can reply to them.

How Do I See My Google Reviews on A Phone?

  1. Open the Google Maps app on your phone.
  2. Type your business name in the search bar and select it from the list.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom
  4. Tap "See all reviews" under the star rating.

You can view and reply to reviews when you’re signed in as your business just like you would on a desktop.

Reply to Reviews for Better Results

Replying to reviews is a way to nurture a positive relationship with your customers. Whether the reviews are positive or negative, consumers want to see companies engage with the public.

When someone gives you a complement in person, you’ll likely say thank you. Extend that same courtesy to online reviews. When a customer has something kind to say, be sure to tell them thanks. This can help further cement the positive impression received by the person who left your review. Not to mention it will also make your brand appear more friendly to anyone researching your reviews before making a purchase!

When a customer shares a grievance with you in person, you would hopefully address it respectfully. Again, extend that same courtesy to online reviews. There is a small chance that by being proactive in your response, you can actually convince the customer to edit or remove their negative review. However, even if this doesn’t happen, the way you respond could have a positive impact on any prospective customers who are reading the negative review.

How Do I See Reviews I Left on Other Businesses?

Staying up to date with our own reviews helps to ensure a business’s rating is accurate with our current opinions. You may want to review the ratings you’ve left from months or even years ago. The process for the desktop and your phone are nearly identical.


  1. Sign into your Google account.
  2. Go to
  3. Click on the hamburger menu to the left of the search bar.
  4. Click on "Your contributions."
  5. From here, you can click on "Reviews" or "Photos" to edit, add, or delete content.


  1. Sign into your Google account.
  2. Open the Google Maps app.
  3. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of your screen.
  4. Click on "Your profile."
  5. From here, you can edit, add, or delete content.

Why Should I Check My Google Reviews Frequently?

There are many places where you can find reviews. However, Google reviews are the most critical because consumers are far more likely to read those compared to other sites like Yelp or Tripadvisor. ReviewTrackers data from 2022 shows that roughly two thirds of customers say they are likely to check Google reviews before visiting a physical business location.

Staying on top of your Google reviews will help you maintain a positive reputation where you are most likely to be seen.

For small business owners, public customer feedback directly affects traffic, ROI, and business revenue. When businesses garner negative reviews, consumers notice. As mentioned before, replying to both bad and good reviews shows potential customers that you are engaged. In fact, Google advises engagement with a number of tools through Google My Business.

But what if you're just not getting customer feedback?

You may know how to see Google reviews, but that’s not very helpful if customers aren't leaving reviews. Finding your business is the first most crucial step. Make sure your business is listed on Google. You should also encourage your customers to leave reviews.

Maybe you're getting reviews, but find managing reviews across multiple sites overwhelming. This is where TrueReview comes into play.

Get More Positive Reviews with TrueReview

With our segmented review-gathering tools, you will maximize your potential for positive reviews and thus more revenue. TrueReview's services help you:

  • Send customers review requests over email and SMS. Oftentimes, consumers give their opinions by word of mouth. Sending a request will encourage them to capture their thoughts in writing so you can share their feedback with your audience at large.
  • Address unhappy customers before they leave bad reviews with survey and reaction software. It’s always better to be proactive rather than reactive. Getting ahead of a potentially negative review is made easier with TrueReview.
  • Manage multiple businesses' and locations' feedback in one app. Switching from window to window, or context switching, can increase mental fatigue. The convenience of having everything under a single provider will save you time and a headache.
  • Respond to reviews from Google, Facebook, Yelp, and more on one dashboard. No more clicking around trying to find where your reviews are. Our customizable dashboard makes engagement easy for you!

Don't get slowed down by hunting for your business's reviews on multiple websites. Let TrueReview be your one-stop shop review management.

Stay updated on your reviews and respond to customers quickly. This is directly correlated to increased business revenue.

With TrueReview's help, watch your business soar to the top of Google search rankings.

1,746% increase in Google reviews

See what Classic Bakery did to go from 130 to 2,400+ Google reviews and counting.

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